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Omega 3's are one of the fatty acids, fat building blocks, that the body needs to get from dietary sources. According to Harvard University, omega 3 fatty acids are the starting point for making hormones that regulate blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls, and inflammation. They also regulate genetic function, and are a important component of cell membranes. Omega 3's provide calories for energy and are necessary for good eye and brain health. They also have many other functions in the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and immune system. The typical America diet is lacking in these fats, so here are some foods that are great sources:

Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and oysters

Flax seeds

Chia seeds



There are foods that are fortified with omega 3's like eggs, yogurt, juice, and milk. Read the label.


Eat 6 oz of wild salmon per week which is the equivalent of eating 600 milligrams per day, which is the current recommendation for omega 3's.


Take 2 grams of omega 3 oils per day making sure they contain both DHA and EPA of a ratio 1:1 or 2:1. (This is the ratio that naturally occurs in wild salmon.)

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